Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013

Membuat Wajah Lebih Tirus? Mudah!

Tulang pipi tirus layaknya model ternyata bisa dimiliki semua wanita. Bukan dengan cara make-up atau operasi plastik, melainkan bermain-main dengan potongan rambut agar terlihat lebih 'ramping'.

Wajah chubby atau terlihat gemuk seringkali menjadi keluhan sebagian wanita. Namun hal tersebut bukan harga mati. Ada beberapa cara menyiasatinya agar wajah tampak lebih tirus dengan potongan rambut yang tepat.

Bob asimetris

Anna Wintour dan Victoria Beckham adalah beberapa selebritas yang setia dengan potongan ini. Menurut Anna Wintour, potongan rambut bob membuat leher belakangnya tampak jenjang (karena bagian belakang lebih pendek dari depan). Selain itu potongan yang jatuh di tulang rahang juga membuat siluet wajah terlihat lebih tirus.

Shaggy panjang

Potongan shaggy panjang seperti rambut Jennifer Aniston adalah potongan rambut panjang yang sangat sesuai bagi si muka bulat dengan pipi gembil. Potongan layer di bagian samping akan membuat pipi terlihat lebih tirus dan dagu terlihat lebih panjang.

Poni samping

Salah satu cara membuat muka terlihat lebih oval adalah model poni samping. Poni samping akan menonjolkan tulang pipi, sehingga wajah terlihat lebih tirus.


Metode pewarnaan rambut highlight, dengan mengkombinasikan warna gelap dan terang juga akan membuat wajah Anda terlihat lebih kecil. Highlight yang tepat akan membuat rambut terlihat semakin bervolume, sehingga otomatis wajah terlihat semakin kecil. Konsultasikan dengan penata rambut warna apa yang sesuai dengan warna kulit Anda.

Wanna try? :)

source: HERE

Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

Girls, You Are More Beautiful Than You Think!

Seberapa sering Anda bercermin? Sehari tiga kali? Lima kali atau bahkan puluhan kali? Jangan lupa menghitung saat mengecek riasan di kaca spion, atau ketika melintasi mal dan melirik ke pantulan kaca toko untuk sekedar melihat apakah posisi busana rapi atau tidak. Dari berjuta-juta kali aktivitas bercermin ini, pasti Anda orang yang pertama untuk mengetahui setitik jerawat yang muncul hari itu, uban baru dan banyak lagi hal detail lainnya.

Pertengahan April lalu,  sebuah iklan yang hanya diputar di web telah berhasil menyentil 26 juta wanita (dan terus bertambah) di dunia. Mungkin Anda salah satunya. Dalam video versi 7 menit, seorang seniman sketsa forensik mengundang beberapa wanita untuk menjadi responden. Tanpa bertemu tatap muka, Ia menanyakan ciri-ciri wajah para wanita tersebut. Lalu ia membuat sketsa wanita yang sama berdasarkan deskripsi wanita lain. Kedua hasil sketsa ditampilkan berdampingan. Alhasil, sketsa hasil deskripsi orang lain terlihat lebih cantik dari deskripsi orang yang bersangkutan. Tagline "Anda lebih cantik daripada yang Anda pikirkan" benar-benar memberi pernyataan yang lugas atas apa yang terjadi di masyarakat saat ini.

Namun, di luar dari itu semua, iklan ini saya nilai cukup brilian dalam mengekspresikan rasa ketidaknyamanan seorang wanita terhadap dirinya. Sikap selalu mengkritik diri sendiri secara berlebihan memang saya sadari diri sendiri sering tak sengaja melakukan dan kemungkinan besar juga dilakukan oleh banyak wanita lain.

Sudah saatnya wanita memiliki kepercayaan diri akan kecantikannya. Menerima warna kulitnya, dalm arti tidak berambisi menjadi putih padahal kulit aslinya sawo matang, tapi merawatnya agar sehat dan halus adalah ide yang lebih baik. Menerima ikal keriwil rambutnya dengan menemukan model guntingan yang pas, memakai produk styling yang tepat, tanpa ‘ngoyo’ meluruskannya dengan proses kimia secara berlebihan, yang pasti akan memberi efek negatif meskipun ia rajin mengoleskan masker rambut.

Kini saatnya kita disadarkan seperti para wanita di video ini, bahwa kita itu dilahirkan dengan kecantikan alami, tinggal kita memilih bagaimana cara yang terbaik untuk merawatnya. Selamat terinspirasi!


Source: HERE

Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Life's Quotes #7 : All Is Perfect

hi :)
this post is not about how-I-want-a-perfect-guy, but about how-I-see-the-guy-I-love.

last time when I was hanging out with one of my friend. We were talking about the-guy-I-love even she doesn't know I love that guy soooo much.
She was blabbering about this guy and talking something bad about him.

Well, this is the way I can know about him more.

But the more I know about him, the more I feel love for him.

I just want to tell him this..

As long as it's you, all is perfect.

I don't know why I love him so much. But, a true love doesn't need a reason, right? :)

Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

Life's Quotes #6 : Paint My Life, Paint My Heart

Remember that guy that last time I told you?
You can check it here.

I didn't told you who is he, btw, just sharing my what's in my heart.

Well, since he came to my heart.... I just get my passion to study more ..
Since he's a lot more smart than me, I think...

I got a lot of his weakness, but I just still love him.

I'm not seeing a perfect guy for me, but I'm searching for a guy that complete my life.

You come to love, not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person PERFECTLY.

Every time I see his face and his smile, every time I hear his voice, and every time I meet him,
I just... fall in love. More and more and more. <3

Hey you a guy over there, I love you so much. You have to know about this... <3

Soul Test

well, I just found this picture when I was reading 9gag.

Let's take a test!
This test takes only 3 seconds, it doesn't cost so much time, right?

When you see this picture...

Do you see a "good" or an "evil"?

Well, I discovered both good and evil at the same time ._.

Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Life Quotes #5 : Healing Myself

I feel so complicated today.
I'm happy, but I was so sad and angry at the same time.
Something happened in my family, and this is not the first time.

These happened even since I was a kid. Since a super long time ago.
And it left so much scars in my heart.

This is my trauma. My emotional wounds.

But then I realized...

Even today I was so sad and angry, I feel happy too.

It means...

Every day may not be good.
But there's something good in every day.

I think I should thanks God for what happened today.
Even there's a lot of bad things today,
God didn't forget to wake me up today.

He still gives me a little time to live!

Life Quotes #4 : Cheer up!

When I was watching TV, suddenly I just got new inspiration to write.
This is about my friend. She just broke up with her boyfriend.
Well, maybe she's not that sad these days. But I know sometimes she just thinking about him again.

Hey, girl.. Cheer up!

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
I think that sentence just fit to you.

Anyway, life goes on! So cheer up~!

I know this is such a simple thing. But I hope it cheer you up.
This is what friends are for, right? :)

Life Quotes #3 : Pieces of My Heart

Today I read a book written by Ilana Tan. She's such a genius!
I already read a lot of her books such as, Summer in Seoul, Autumn in Paris, Winter in Tokyo, and the last but not least, Spring in London.
From those season series, I like Winter in Tokyo and Spring in London the most.

But today I read her book, Sunshine Becomes You. And she successfully made my eyes looks puffy.
Yeah I was crying. And now I'm still crying in my heart....a lot.

Today I'll share another quote, this quote FITS PERFECTLY in my heart..


Yup. Love hurts. But I still want to struggle with it since it gives me another kind of joy.

I shed a lot of my tears for him.
I know he don't even notice I'm exist.
And the most important.... He loves another girl..

But every time I see him,
every time I see his smile,
every time I hear his voice,
I just love it.

I'm happy for him.
I'm smiling for him.
He made my day.

But what can I do?
I'm here.
Wasting my last one year.
Waiting for him.
Sitting alone. And my tears are overflowing.

Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Life Quotes #2 : These Quotes Just Made My Day!

Hi! After a super-long-time, I'm going post something :D
Remember the last time, I posted about quotes from a Korean drama, Dream High 2?
I promised to post another quotes there, and today I'm going to share it.

Two days ago, I just feel so ashamed. Why?
Last Saturday I just got my report book about my scores at school, and the announcement about promotion to the next grade.
It didn't mean that I don't get the promotion and stay in this second-grade class in my senior high.

I got it, I made it. Now I'm officially a senior grade student in my school. So why I feel so ashamed?
Last semester, I ranked #4 in my class. I was so sad that I didn't make to reach the top 3 students. But I was still happy as I make #4.
But this semester, I know my scores just dropped.
As my dad told me that I made #7 in my class, I feel sad, but I was still happy as long as I still reach the top 10 students.
Not a long time after it, my friend told me it was a mistake, and I just got #11 in my class!

I just feel so ashamed, I want to cry but I can't. All I can do is regret all the things I've made.

Until I read a 'no mention' tweet from my friend in my timeline, she says:
When I falls harder, I could bounce higher. Just like a ball.

 Then I realize that I shouldn't regret it. All I have to do is struggle to get my rank back. After that, I see my friend use a display picture on BBM, and it displays:
Life is like piano... The white keys represent happiness, and the black keys show sadness. But as you go through life's journey, remember.....the black keys make music too.

After my read that quote, my tears was just overflowing. And after that I got a message from my friend. He knows me well, he is my best friend since I was in the junior grade of junior high school.
He gave me a message, he says:
Ca, you're the prettiest when you're happy. Don't waste your time being sad.

Then I realized all of these quotes, these friends, and all is God's way to cheer me up!

So, you guys, cheer up!  

Rainbow will not be beautiful is it has only one color. 
Road will not be great if it has only one car. 
World will not be delightful if it has only one species. 
So do life, will not be fun if it has only wonderful things. 


Ocha ♥

Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Sony Xperia.. Which one is your style?

Long time no see guys!
I just arrived at home, from my school of course..
I'm having mid semester test now >.< Wish me luck, will you?

Okay I'm going to chitchat about Sony Xperia... I LOVE THE DESIGN <3 <3
From all of them, I love Sony Xperia SL, J, Miro, and U..
Here comes the pictures! <3

Sony Xperia J the pink one!! AAAAAA I'm going crazyyyy <3

Sony Xperia Miro... prettyyyy <3

Sony Xperia SL!! And again the pink one drive me crazyyyy <3<3
And also the crystal in the middle, it's prettyyyy!
Sony Xperia U, not bad :)

Those are the prettiest among the other design I thought... I want SL so bad, but seems it's pretty expensive for me (I'm just a little girl, a high school student) 4.000.000 IDR is sooo expensive... <////3

So I need to move on <///3 from SL to............ ?? I trapped in triangle love or maybe square love (?) with J, U, and miro!
I love U, it has crystal like SL, but it doesn't have external memory :'( and only have 4GB (2GB user available) internal memory <///3 it doesn't enough for me <///3

So I tried to move on (again) and trapped in triangle love with J and Miro! Both are pretty, both have external memory and so on.... I'm in love <3<3<3 with J and Miro! But J is much bigger than Miro... My friend told me Miro is 3.5" and J is around 4"... Miro is 2.000.000 IDR and J is 2.500.000 IDR...
I have to buy this phone by my own money~

I prefer to J, but as I told you, I trapped in triangle love with J and miro.. I love miro too <3
All color available for miro... I love J the pink than miro </3
But miro is pretty awesome too!

What to do.... :"(

Minggu, 24 Februari 2013


Morning everybody!
I'm not going to write something too long, I just want to ask you something..

How to make a "read more" in our posts? I just feel it's too long if I don't use that "read more"..

Thank you!

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Life Quotes #1 : Holla!

Hello everybody! Seems like long time no see? ;)

Well what's up now? I just finish re-watched Dream High 2, and I feel that I miss my blog >.<

And I get some wise quotes from that drama, maybe I didn't realize it when I watched it for the first time.

Is a dream just for those who have talent? If you don't have a talent, should you not ever dream at all? If you're going to dream, you have to close your eyes first. If you close your eyes, it's not important how the other people see you. Only when you close your eyes, you can meet the real you, not the one that everyone sees. Don't ever give your dreams up. The reason is, a dream isn't for someone with talent, but for anyone who brave enough to dream.

Don't you think it's pretty wise? It made my day! I just feel I can stand for my dreams and be the real me ;)
To be honest, I got a lot of wise quotes from some films that I watched. But unfortunately, My phone was broken last time, and I lost all of my data! :(

I'll post the other quotes next time :D
See ya!